bms SiNGLE6910-smart and TWiN6920-smart have passed the CE certificateIssuing time:2024-11-22 16:25Source:bms Medicaltech Co.,LTD After more than 12 months of effort by both the bms team and the professional testing institution, bms's new and smart generation of blood separators, SiNGLE6910-smart and TWiN6920-smart, have passed the IEC60601-1 and IEC60601-1-2 tests and obtained CE certificate Class I approval according to the new MDR regulations of Europa. After more than 12 months of effort by both the bms team and the professional testing institution, bms's new and smart generation of blood separators, SiNGLE6910-smart and TWiN6920-smart, have passed the IEC60601-1 and IEC60601-1-2 tests and obtained CE certificate Class I approval according to the new MDR regulations of Europa. Declaration: This article is an original work by Baimais. Please indicate the source and link when